The Studiengemeinschaft Holzleimbau e.V. (Glued Laminated Timber Research Association inc.) is the organisation of manufacturers of laminated, load bearing products active in Germany. It was founded in 1957. Besides the German and international manufacturers of laminated products, manufacturers of adhesives, mechanical equipment and glued fasteners as well as other members are intergrated into the Glued Laminated Timber Research Association Inc.
The association has a predominately technical orientation and thus is very heavily involved in the area of F+E as well as in the national and European standards. Together with other organisations of the forestry and forest products the Glued Laminated Timber Research Association inc. publishes information on the utilization of cross laminated timber and other laminated products.
The Glued Laminated Timber Research Association inc. is a founding member of the European union organisation of manufacturers of laminated products GLULAM as well as a member of the leading association of German timber and plastic processing industries inc. as well as the German society for timber research inc..
If you are a manufacturer of laminated load bearing products, adhesives or mechanical equipment for the manufacturing of laminated products and you would like to become a member please send us an E-Mail. We will promptly get in touch with you.